
The 种族与文化电子游戏正规平台所 (ISRC) is pleased to introduce the Scholar-in-Residence program designed to support the development of early career scholars. This virtual residency is designed to provide mentorship and support for an early career scholar who work focuses on psychological aspects of race, 种族主义和种族创伤, 破坏和消除种族主义, 以及心理健康和教育领域的反种族主义实践.


我们很高兴地向大家介绍我们的驻校学者,Dr. 查顿Dogan-Dixon


Dr. 查顿Dogan-Dixon

Dr. 查顿Dogan-Dixon

有执照的心理学家 •她/

Dr. 查顿Dogan-Dixon is a licensed psychologist who currently works in a federal correctional setting. She graduated from the counseling psychology doctoral program at the University of Kentucky in 2022. Her intersectionality-informed research has a three- pronged focus: 1) Black identity, 种族创伤, and mental health; 2) Black 性ities, 性快感, and intimate relationships; and 3) drug and incarceration-related health disparities. The objective of her research agenda is to demonstrate how 种族创伤 can lead to adverse health outcomes, 过度依赖适应不良的应对策略, and relationship dissolution that hinders powerful and protective community-building among Black populations. 到目前为止,. Dogan-Dixon has published thirty-three (33) scholarly manuscripts, and her work has been supported by a predoctoral fellowship with the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), 肯塔基大学健康公平中心, 和活跃的头脑. She has a commitment to treating race-related stress and 种族创伤 via a multifaceted prevention and intervention approach of research, 临床实践, 还有社区工作. 因此, her clinical experiences have taken place in college counseling centers, 种族创伤诊所, 刑事司法设置. She recently completed her predoctoral internship at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, KY. 超越学术电子游戏正规平台的收费墙. Dogan-Dixon facilitates mental health and 种族创伤 workshops for local communities and anti-racism trainings for national organizations. Her work has been featured in media news outlets including NBCLX, 妇女的健康, 副, 热闹的活动, 和PsyCom. Dr. Dogan-Dixon also created her Instagram platform @blkfolxtherapy to increase access to culturally-relevant mental health education and heighten the visibility of Black mental health professionals.

最终,博士. Dogan-Dixon has goals of reducing mental health barriers and stigmas, 改善身份确认治疗的可及性, and providing Black Americans with tools to improve their mental, 性, and relational well-being to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. 在她的业余时间,博士. Dogan-Dixon enjoys weightlifting, traveling, and calligraphy.