Study Abroad

Exploring the option of study abroad

学生有很多机会在与BC合作的许多不同机构选修课程. 我们鼓励学生利用全球参与和教育的优势,我们将与您合作,帮助实现这一目标.

的 Office of 全球 Education (OGE), located in Hovey House, 协调出国留学机会,并能提供具体项目的详细信息. OGE helps plan and coordinate your study abroad semester or year from beginning to end: from offering advice about various programs; applying to and planning your course of study at whatever program you may choose; and transferring credits and grades back to BC when you return after having successfully completed your studies abroad. 

first step in the process of studying abroad is to do some research on the OGE website.

Course Requirements Prior to Studying Abroad

确保学生能够在毕业前完成MCAS经济学专业或辅修专业的要求, 所有学生必须在出国留学前完成统计学和微观或宏观理论. 我们强烈建议在出国留学前完成理论课程和计量经济学方法课程, as those courses must be taken no later than the junior year.

Requirements for receiving credit towards the Economics major, 小, or concentration for courses taken abroad.


  1. MCAS Economics majors and 小s, CSOM经济学专业的学生在出国前必须至少在一门中级理论课程中获得B-.

  2. 微观理论、宏观理论、统计学和计量经济学方法不能被带到国外.

  3. Classes to be taken abroad must be approved for content. 经济学本科学习主任(DUS)将决定该课程是否算作低级(2000级)或高级(3000级)选修课. 一般来说,低级别的课程需要将Principles (ECON1101)作为先决条件. 高级选修课要求微观和/或宏观理论,至少,作为先决条件. 请将详细和完整的课程大纲发送给(DUS),以便对课程进行审核和批准. Note: while syllabi from past semesters may serve as useful guides, 最终,DUS将需要批准学生将在国外的学期的教学大纲. Please do NOT send the DUS all syllabi from an institution to review; instead decide upon the classes that interest you, see if you can determine the level of the course, and then email it to the DUS for official approval. 还要记住,国外的课程会计入你的MCAS经济学专业或辅修课程, 必须和你在BC大学经济系学到的东西相似,而不是在CSOM学到的东西.

    寻求BC核心学分的学生需要咨询负责核心相关领域的BC学术部门. More information can be found 在这里.

  4. 的 course must have the appropriate number of credit hours. OGE determines the course credit hours. 如果你对一门课程的学分有疑问,请向 Academic Operations Administrator

  5. 学生必须在课程中获得C-或以上(如果参加外部课程)才能获得BC的转学分.

  6. 你不能超过可以在“系外”修读的课程限制.“一般系的政策是学生最多可以申请三个外部学分(例如.g., AP exams, WCAS, study abroad) Students can take one introductory course (e.g., ECON1101) and two electives outside of the BC Economics Department.  然而,在国外学习一整年的学生可以选修一门额外的课程. All intermediate courses (i.e. 理论,统计学和计量经济学)必须通过BC省经济系. Exceptions are made for transfer students. In general for single semester abroad programs, students may take a maximum of two courses abroad; for full-year programs, students may take a maximum of three courses abroad. Students who have previously taken summer courses, 那些先修课程的学生应该与DUS讨论他们的个人情况. (You can see more details on these limits on the 常见问题解答 页面.). 请注意,它并不总是可以采取一个以上的选修国外,所以需要仔细规划.

  7. 一般来说,一门课程必须是3学分的课程才符合资格,但你可以将两门2学分的课程合并为一门选修课, or three 2-credit-hour courses to count for two electives. 该部门收集了一份已批准的课程清单,并将与学生分享. Student Services also has a copy of this list. T在这里fore, if a course you take is on the list, 当学生服务中心收到接收大学的成绩时,它将自动列入你的学位审核, assuming you have met all of the other requirements listed above.

Plan your study abroad semester(s) with the Office of 全球 Education (OGE)

经济学专业和未成年人必须联系OGE申请出国留学,并计划在国外的学期或一年. 强烈建议计划参加荣誉课程的学生在出国前确定论文主题和教师导师, 特别是如果学生将在他们大三的春季学期出国. 在大四的秋季学期,非常紧张的最后期限使得提前计划至关重要. Students who are considering doing Ph.D. 经济学或相关学科的工作人员应特别小心地规划他们的海外项目.