First-Year Writing Seminar & Literature Core

英语系的第一年写作研讨会(FWS)和文学核心课程是BC核心课程的重要组成部分. 这些课程旨在通过帮助学生培养文科教育的基本技能来相互补充. 约,600 students take a First-Year Writing Seminar each year, and more than 2,000 enroll in the Literature Core.

First-Year Writing Seminar

第一年写作研讨会(FWS)鼓励学生理解为什么人们写作:不仅仅是为了成绩或完成要求,而是因为写作是一种智力和个人生活的工具. 在我们的小, workshop-centered seminars, students use writing to discover new insights, orient themselves to broader conversations, deepen their understanding of ideas, and create changes in service of the common good.

每个研讨会是一个15人的工作坊,旨在帮助您发展和实践写作和电子游戏正规平台技能. Over the semester you will learn to write rhetorically, 为不同的目的和受众设计有效的写作过程, including but not limited to, academic writing. 每个工作坊都可以让你创造性地完成各种写作任务,并与其他作家进行对话. You’ll meet regularly with your instructor to make revision plans, learn to give and receive productive feedback to other writers, 在提交论文供评审前,培养修改论文的技巧. 你也可以和同学一起在不同的课堂上展示和“发布”你的作品, 校园, or internet settings.

FWS的目标之一是教你在各种写作情境中练习的各种策略, 反过来, 会帮助你理解和计划在你未来的学术写作挑战吗, 专业, and personal lives. FWS的另一个目标是为您提供工具和激励您在课程结束后继续写作:在其他课程中, in your community, and for your own pleasure. Part of learning to write well, especially in academic settings, 运用相关话语的惯例和修辞,将自己置身于与当前论点的对话中. 在FWS中,您还将介绍图书馆资源,并将练习写作和记录二手电子游戏正规平台.

First-Year Writing Seminar Staff






| S447 Stokes Hall

Martha Hincks

Martha Hincks

Associate 导演

Martha Hincks

Associate 导演

| S446 Stokes Hall

Dacia Gentilella

Dacia Gentilella

美国鱼类和野生动物管理局的导师 & Learning Specialist

Dacia Gentilella

美国鱼类和野生动物管理局的导师 & Learning Specialist

| 50 College Road

Brian Zimmerman

Brian Zimmerman


Brian Zimmerman


| S456 Stokes Hall

Literature Core

Why take the Literature Core?

在它的核心, 文学核心课程是为大学一年级学生介绍文学学习而设计的. 重点是欣赏文学的非凡范围, and on what skills studying literature teaches.   

According to the University Mission Statement on the Literature Core:

  • By taking three credits of the Core Curriculum in literature, students read in order to explore the characteristics and values of their own and other cultures; to discover alternative ways of looking at the world; to gain insights into issues of permanent importance and contemporary urgency; and to distinguish and appreciate the linguistic and formal satisfactions of literary art.

  • 批判地阅读文学,就是通过语言的表现力来审视人类的处境,把文学作品的接受置于文化的层面, 历史, and social contexts. 文学,不论何种体裁,都是理解人类经历的基本工具.

  • Students will be introduced to disciplinary skills including close reading, analysis of texts, and the practice of writing about them with clarity and engagement. Through shared critical and reflective inquiry, 学生将探索意义在世界上的文本产生方式.

ENGL 1080 Literature Core

你可以通过注册ENGL 1080来满足大学的文学核心要求(后面跟着一个课程编号), e.g. .01, .02, and so on). If you plan to take First Year Writing (FWS), you can take your Literature Core course before or after FWS.  We strongly encourage you to take ENGL1080 during your first year at BC.

All of our sections have common goals and shared guidelines about exams, the amount of writing you do, 诸如此类. 我们都强调以讨论为基础的教学法、主动学习和协作工作. Meanwhile you will also quickly discover that we offer many different, exciting topics across our Literature Core offerings, each taking a slightly different approach to these common goals. 例如, one instructor might focus on Detective writing; another on family relations in 英语 and American drama; another on the idea of “money,” or political dissent, or social marginality. For this reason, 选择一个能激发你兴趣的部分是非常重要的——首先要查阅我们所有部分的完整课程描述清单.

Literature Core courses are included in the Core Renewal program, 提供跨学科电子游戏正规平台“不朽的问题”的机会, parallel courses in two departments.

学生也可以通过选修课来完成文学核心课程的要求, 斯拉夫 and Eastern European Languages, Romance Languages and Literatures, 和德国.

学生可以通过课程编号为ENGL1080的BC暑期课程来完成他们的文学核心要求. (Woods College ADEN 英语 courses will not be counted.然而), 我们不允许暑期在其他机构或海外学习项目中完成文学核心要求.