
Screenshots of the virtual pilgrimage app

A Virtual Pilgrimage with a Community of Prayer

Journey with 伊格内修斯 virtual pilgrimage app screenshot of the journey page

Pilgrimage with 伊格内修斯

Follow the important events and themes from St. 伊格内修斯 of Loyola's life, hearing from both research scholars and Jesuits.

Journey with 伊格内修斯 virtual pilgrimage app screenshot of the journey page


Choose from daily prayer content and activities from scripture, 耶稣会的来源, guided Ignatian Examens, reflections from our partner Institutions.

Journey with 伊格内修斯 virtual pilgrimage app screenshot of the journey page


Join a community of fellow pilgrims to share reflections, thoughts, prayers along the way.


The Journey With 伊格内修斯 app is a 12 week virtual pilgrimage. There is weekly content based on the themes and locations of the week, daily content for suggested prayer and spiritual reading, a social forum to join a community of prayer and spiritual engagement. We strongly encourage participants to do the pilgrimage within a group, with the suggestion of biweekly small group faith sharing meetings. 在可能的情况下, we encourage you to form a group of your friends, 或者来自你的教区, 学校, 或者其他群体. 

Downloading the app (it’s free!) to explore its content is the best way to learn about it, 但, we hope the following gives an introduction to what the pilgrimage entails:

The app has four tabs which consist of the following:

The “Journey” tab marks the progression of the pilgrimage and contains content and information regarding the theme and location of the week, including a video presentation, excerpts from the biography and autobiography of St. 伊格内修斯, the featured high 学校 for the week, whose students have provided the daily witness reflections in the “今天” tab.

The “Today” tab marks our daily activity.  In undertaking this virtual pilgrimage, it is intended that the pilgrim grow in mind, body, soul.  

  • Soul - Daily verse from Scripture to contemplate
  • Body - Daily Journey - for those interested, the app will track our daily steps, as well as our total steps from the start of the pilgrimage.  We encourage participants to engage in prayer walks (or any form of exercise) as they partake in this virtual journey
  • Mind - Daily reading from a Jesuit Source 
  • Witness - Daily reflections from Cristo Rey and Jesuit high 学校 students based on the week's theme
  • Daily Examen - A guided audio Examen that will change weekly

The community guestbooks are where pilgrims can interact and share reflections, 报价, 图片, 的见解, 等., of a spiritual dimension.  There is a guestbook with an optional reflection question in each of the 12 locations.  This platform is meant only for spiritual sharing and uplifting; in this time where there is so much division, 愤怒, 和消极, this platform will be meant for spiritual edification, 灌输希望, connecting with others on a deep, 积极的水平. 

This will include links to all of the various weekly programming and content of The Church in the 21st Century, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Roche Center for Catholic Education, related to the pilgrimage.




Journey with 伊格内修斯 Icon

The mission of our Institute is to deepen appreciation for Jesuit spirituality and history, during these difficult times, this is important as ever.  出于这个原因, we are delighted to offer the Journey with 伊格内修斯 Virtual Pilgrimage App at no cost.  然而, the development and execution of the app is a considerable investment of time and money on our part, any potential support would be greatly appreciated.  If every app user donated $25, it would greatly defray the cost of the development of the app.  God bless you and thank you for your support for and involvement in our mission.  Click below to make a tax-deductible donation to support our Institute.