Jesuit Studies Café

Jesuit Studies Café

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and its collaborating partners at the University of Lisbon and the Italian German Historical Institute, invite you to join informal conversations with the world's preeminent scholars working on the history, 灵性, and educational heritage of the Society of Jesus. These discussions – hosted at the Institute over coffee and also available via Zoom videoconference – are unique opportunities to learn more about the newest and most interesting scholarship in Jesuit Studies.

If you would like to attend a café via videoconference, 请登记, and you will receive information on how to access the online meeting space 24 hours before the discussion. Please contact the Institute with any questions or if you wish to join or lead a café in the future (


Spring 2024 Conversations

At Jesuit Studies Cafes in the Spring of 2024, young scholars (master’s and Ph.D. candidates and post-doc) will present their research. Join us to provide feedback on their scholarly projects.



Dr. Hélène Vu-Thanh, Université Bretagne-Sud

Dr. Margherita Trento, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

“From Early Modern Missions to Proselytism(s): History of a Seminar (EHESS, 巴黎)"

This presentation will trace the history and evolution of a major seminar that gathers at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 巴黎, discussing religious missions in the Iberian world and different forms of proselytism. The presenters will highlight the seminar’s contribution to studying the Society of Jesus.

缩放|上午9:20.m.–10am (Eastern, UTC-4)


Dr. Benedetta Albani, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt 

Dr. Francesco Giuliani, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt

"The 电子游戏正规平台 Group on the Congregation of the Coucil and the Study of Religious Orders (Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, 法兰克福)”

The Congregation of the Council was one of the leading actors of the post-Tridentine Catholic Reform: it was responsible for the authentic interpretation of the Council’s disciplinary decrees and their implementation throughout the Catholic world. This presentation will focus on the multiple interactions between the Congregation of the Council and the Society of Jesus and suggest fascinating avenues for future research in this field.

缩放|上午9:20.m.–10am (Eastern, UTC-4)



Dr. Mary Dunn, Saint Louis University

"The Center for 电子游戏正规平台 on 全球 Catholicism and its Jesuit Connections (Saint Louis University)"

The Center for 电子游戏正规平台 on 全球 Catholicism (CRGC) at Saint Louis University (SLU) was founded in 2020 to support scholarship at the nexus of Catholicism and culture. The CRGC brings together three key components of SLU’s Jesuit history and mission—a legacy of global engagement, a commitment to rigorous academic inquiry, and a focus on social justice—to promote interdisciplinary research, 协作, and methodological innovation in the emerging field of global Catholic Studies.

缩放|上午9:20.m.–10am (Eastern, UTC-4)





Jesuit Studies Café Partners



Department for the History and Philosophy of Science
教师 of Sciences, University of Lisbon



Italian-German Historical Institute
at the Bruno Kessler Foundation


If you have any questions, please contact (